Tyler’s Special Yellow Dice (from the desk of Hayden Erwin)

Hello all,

If you’ve listened to even a few episodes of our podcast, you may have noticed some slight anomalies in DM Tyler’s rolls with his Special Yellow Dice, in that he seems to roll uncannily well with them. As longtime player in Tyler’s DnD groups, I can assure you that he is indeed a filthy cheat. That dice set has laid waste to even my best conceived plans, and I won’t stand for it for another minute without speaking up.

I once saw Tyler roll 3 consecutive natural 20s with his Special Yellow Dice, two of which were on a disadvantaged roll. Tyler has refused, on the record, to use anyone else’s dice, either out of superstition or something more insidious. He once allowed me to use his Special Yellow Dice, only for the Dice to fail me several times at critical in-game moments. Tyler then attempted to gaslight me into believing I was the problem. Later that same evening, I saw him lighting a candle and chanting in the street by his car, his Special Yellow Dice arranged in a circle surrounding the candle. It wasn’t even a tall, ominous candle, it was shaped like the letter ‘H’ and looked slightly melted. I assume he took it from a birthday cake.

Do with this information what you will as you continue listening. The truth has set me free. Next time I see Tyler’s Special Yellow Dice, I am going to eat them.

Best of luck,
